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The Sims™ 4 My First Pet Stuff Thumbnail

The Sims™ 4 My First Pet Stuff 100%無料

この取引はすでに終わっています。.. ちょっと失礼。 :/
» The Sims™ 4 My First Pet StuffのSteamを参照してください
Sims 4 is required to use this content.
Teach your Sims how to care for smaller household pets, decorate a home with pet-inspired furniture, and dress pets in your favorite Sims outfits!

Key features

  • Care for a new pet — Add a habitat to your household with all-new small pets like a hamster, rat, pygmy hedgehog, or miniature bubalus! Have your Sims name their new pet and learn how to take care of them, whether it’s spending time playing or keeping them clean and healthy. Your Sims have lots to learn!

  • Dress your cats and dogs — Show that your Sims and their pets are made for each other with matching pet outfits, like a comfy robe and purr-fect pajamas. Put a glamorous dress on your feline friend, or have your dog don a hat for the right occasion.

  • Decorate with pet prints — Have Sims decorate their living room with uniquely-designed décor and paw-some, pet-inspired furniture for the kids’ room. From cute cat pillows for your Sims to bright beds for your cats and dogs, there's something for everyone.


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