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急げ! 16ゲームは一時的な無料です

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World of Tanks — Lightweight Fighter Pack Thumbnail

World of Tanks — Lightweight Fighter Pack 100%無料

この取引はすでに終わっています。.. ちょっと失礼。 :/
» World of Tanks — Lightweight Fighter PackのSteamを参照してください
The Lightweight Fighter DLC comes with the dangerous Cromwell B. This famous tank has taken part in a lot of battles and can help you win some of your own. This tank is fast, and its gun can turn the tide of the battle. Still, this is a medium, not a heavy tank, so you need to watch out and not allow your rivals to get too many shots in.

Cromwell B. The B stands for Berlin. The vehicle was made famous by the British 7th Armored Division. In their Cromwells they fought across France and into Germany, and eventually took part in the Victory Parade on September 7, 1945, in Berlin.

Speed and Firepower. There are two things that stand out about the Cromwell: It’s quick-firing gun can tear enemies apart and it boasts amazing speed. This tank plays nearly identically to the standard Cromwell, being able to be used as either an aggressive flanker or a mid-range support medium tank.

Protection. It’s a delicate tank and care must be taken to not take hits in the early stages of battle, as it will lower your ability to engage harder targets later on.

Also in the package:

  • Garage Slot
  • 100% crew (Commander with Sixth Sense)
  • 700,000 credits
  • 3 Demount Kits

DLC can be added to your World of Tanks account only once.
You will be able to use this DLC only if you play from the game account created on Steam. 


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